Saturday, 17 March 2012


You have never lived in the home we now live in, but a little corner of our home houses the material side of 'you'. The fact that your material possessions now fit into a small 'treasure' chest is testament to the type of person you were.
After you passed away we searched and searched for such possessions as the teddy bear your Dad gave you when you were born, your favourite childhood storybook (The Very Hungry Caterpillar) and the little pink dog named Plonk that you always had to have with you when you went to bed. However, these things (which we knew we had kept) were nowhere to be found. So we have to assume that you held no particular sentimental value to any of these things and threw them out in one of your regular 'clean-outs.'
You were never one to hold dear to material possessions but you treasured your mates and your girlfriend and your family. I think this says a lot  about the sort of person you were and is why you are missed so very much!
Your 'treasured' possessions might be housed in a little corner of our new home but you are everywhere in it. We feel your smile in every ray of sunshine and you are with us in everything we do! <3

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