Thursday, 22 March 2012


Remember the time you rang us in the middle of the night (I think it was about 2am) and asked Dad to bring the jumper leads out to Camp Hill because you had a flat battery?
Turns out you hadn't been out there to wine and dine at 'Parnassus' restaurant. Your story was very different!
You had taken Amber for a star-gazing tour and obviously the moon wasn't quite providing enough light for you, so you had your headlights on.
Woops..too long! Flat battery!

Actually,  I'm just adding a bit more to this one!! I was just looking through some old MySpace sites and saw a picture of you and Callum J. This particular photo was taken on a fishing trip up in the bush at the back of Moe somewhere. We had stopped to pick up Callum and once we had travelled on some crappy bush tracks we reached a very beautiful spot by the river. I sat down to read, Dad began fishing and you two wandered upstream somewhere. Later, I was taking some lovely photos when I realised that there were two (or four) very cheeky 'moons' facing the camera from a log in the distance!

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