Saturday, 21 April 2012


I think the last thing you bought was what tipped you over the edge.
As far as we know, the last thing you bought was 'money' to put through the poker machines. You had just been paid that morning and, after paying money off your car loan,  headed straight for the pokies venue during your lunch hour. You then proceeded to spend all but $25.00 of your pay on attempting to gain more money. You already knew this very rarely worked as you had expressed your concern about your gambling habits several times in the previous weeks and as recently as the night before you died.
You owed a measly $160.00 to other people, myself and a mate, and I know that this would have been preying on your mind, knowing that the money you were putting through the machines was not all yours.
You also knew both your mate and I well enough to know that we would easily forgive you if you were unable to pay us back that week! Our bonds of family and friendship were tighter than that!
I can only imagine the sense of despair you must have felt as you drove that final kilometre home to end your life.
It is my strong belief, and my profound understanding of the sort of person you were, that leads to the following conclusion:
You had already expressed a concern for your inability to deal with your gambling. Also, you were suffering from depression and taking medication to help deal with this. You had an IQ of over 150 and had never unwillingly 'failed' at anything in your life.
All three of these combined to make one dreadful cocktail of events in your mind on that particular day. You would have seen yourself as a failure after spending all your pay yet again! Your depression and inability to fail lead to a lack of resilience which meant you couldn't cope.
You had, however, just started opening up about your gambling and I firmly believe that, had you managed to get through that day, you may still be here with us as we could have dealt with it together.
But, it is not to be!
You had a wonderful life, Jake! Great mates, a great relationship with your family and your girlfriend and an absolutely amazing personality which made you very popular.
We miss you! xxx

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