Sunday, 1 April 2012


I don't have any profound words for this one! I just know that there are many people out there who will tell you that teenage girls spend a lot of time in the bathroom looking at their reflection in the mirror as they primp and preen. Yes, that's probably true, but what they forget to mention is that teenage boys can be just as bad or even worse!
You seemed to spend ages in the bathroom making sure your hair was just right! Those who knew you well are probably chuckling just a little bit right now as that last statement seems quite ludicrous! Your hair always looked as though you had randomly rubbed your hands through it to make it stand on end (actually, thats exactly how you 'brushed' your hair!). But it still had to be 'just right' and you would use the mirror to place each strand in just the right place!
Your hair has become your trademark and I agree with the mirror... you were gorgeous!!! XXX

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