Tuesday, 3 April 2012


This is a difficult one!
I can't really remember you receiving mail of any great significance but I do recall some letters you wrote when you were younger.
When you wrote to Santa Claus you would always make sure that you sent a special hello to each individual reindeer. Your letters to the Easter Bunny would include a warning about the ferocious dog we had in our backyard...we've always only had ShihTzu's or ShihTzu crosses (which wouldn't hurt a fly!)
We once found a letter which you wrote to Sian when she was going through a tough time. You would have been about 13 at the time, but you went to the trouble of letting her know you were thinking of her and hoping that all would be good in her life and telling her that you loved her!
We also have a photo of a letter you wrote to your friend Bec during English class one day. It is highly decorated so I can only imagine that you didn't get any real work done during that class!! Knowing you, you would have put far greater importance on your friendship with Bec (and your love of chicken) than on a silly old English class!
Your mates were very lucky to have known you xxx

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