Saturday, 5 May 2012


When you were about three of four Kerryn, Dad and I took you, Sian, Jaymee and Ashlee to Myuna Farm in Dandenong (sounds a bit silly when we live in dairy farming country, doesn't it?).
We wandered along the fence line of each of the paddocks, saying hello to cows and bulls, donkeys, horses, sheep and turkey.
Then, we came to a paddock where 4 ostriches were lined up along the fence just waiting to receive their personal greetings from 4 enthusiastic children. You crouched down to get a better look through the wire and, as you did, the 'bird' closest to you did the same. So, the girls followed suit.
And, so began a good ten minutes of fun and frivolity!
In unison all of you children would bob up and down and the ostriches would copy you, also in unison! You all had us in stitches!!
If only we had a video camera or Smart phones (which weren't even invented back then!) I think it would have won a "Funniest Home Video" award!

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