About 3 or 4 months before you died we had a family conversation about organ donors. We were sitting around the dinner table and, I don't even know what brought the conversation up, but you made it quite clear what your 'stand' on this topic was.
In fact, we all agreed that, should the time come, we would all be happy to donate our organs.
None of us realised that the time was nigh.
When Toby and Nick died we were asked if we would like them to be organ donors. We said no as we felt that they had not even had a chance to show the world who they were and we did not want their angelic little bodies defiled in their purity.
For you it was a no-brainer! You had made your stand and we were aware of your intentions. No-one is prepared for the phone call that asks for such an irrevocable decision at such a gut-wrenching time but at least the decision had initially been yours.
Your organs were unable to be used but you were able to donate tissue for research into clavicle damage. It seemed very fitting as you were always carrying sports injuries such as this.
This decision then meant that you were honored posthumously at a ceremony conducted at the National Forensics Institute in Melbourne. This is held annually to thank those who have donated their organs or tissue in the previous twelve months.
We knew where you stood...in a very honorable place! xxx
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