Wednesday, 23 May 2012


You were our technology whizz!!
Every now and then we curse you not being here to fix something on the computer or the TV. Actually, your sister has proven to be quite  good in the technology department, too!
You were right into games such as 'World of Warcraft" and things like that and you could sometimes hack into different areas to use for your advantage.
Even your relations would sometimes call on you to fix their computer problems.
I've always been useless in that department and you would often roll your eyes at my 'stupidity' but you would always manage to spend a few seconds to fix what I had assumed would be a major problem.
You even helped me with my school concerts on several occasions by making the CD's with the music tracks on them. This would involve cutting out the bits I didn't want and adding bits in, etc.
Who will do that for me this year?

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