Saturday, 12 May 2012


I think you mostly made yourself happy because you usually didn't do anything unless it made you feel good.
You were happiest when you were partying or socialising with your mates.
You were happy when you were with Amber.
You were happy eating junk food or omelettes or 'Wattle Stump' or roasts.
Happiness was a sleep-in. It was getting home from a party at 5 or 6 in the morning and sleeping until 'whenever' the next day.
It was jamming with your Dad on the guitars or fine-tuning a number on the keyboard.
It was turning the TV to Channel One to watch any sport that happened to be on at the time...even if it was lawn bowls!
It was creating the coloured banners from scratch in the 'Gazette' and taking pride in showing us that they were yours.
It made you happy to long as you were behind the wheel.
It made you happy to sit beside a river or a creek for a spot of fishing or to throw a few 'yonnies'.
It made you happy to outwit us with your sense of humour.
It made you happy to be part of a family where you knew and felt love!
I hope you are happy wherever you are now! xxx

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