Friday, 22 June 2012


Everything would have looked like it was "from a high angle"to you because you stood so much taller than most of us!
However, again, this post lends itself to photos rather than words. So here are some more memories:
This one shows you 'from a high angle' and wearing your christening gown. You were about 2 months old on the day of your baptism. Your godparents are Helene and 'Funny' Mick. This is a good example of the red tuft of hair which stood straight up in the air. It eventually turned white and then a sandy colour as you grew older...but it always stood straight up in the air
You look a bit shell-shocked as your big sister tries to 'feed' you with her dolly bottle 'from a high angle'.
You both loved baths at that age! You later went through that typical 'boy thing' of not wanting a bath or a shower. However, once we got you there you would have stayed under the water for hours if we let you!!
This one is such a cute photo taken 'from a high angle' and showing you and little Charlie both having a kip on the lounge room floor.
I'm not even going to hazard a guess about this one...I just know it's been taken 'from a high angle'!

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