Saturday, 9 June 2012


You rest on a hillside with your twin brothers and two of your maternal great-grandparents. Your paternal grandparents are nearby.
From there, your view is the green hills which form part of the foothills of Mt. Baw Baw. Just down the valley is the far end of the Tarago Reservoir and, at the bottom of the hill you rest on, is the fishing spot you frequented with your Dad on Elton Rd.
It's a beautiful, peaceful place. It's a place you used to call "Heaven" when, as a small child, we visited the very gravesite where you now lie, to place flowers for your brothers. You and Sian would run around, jumping over the graves and racing up and down the hill. We didn't ever feel this was inappropriate as this was the playground of your brothers. It was just a different place to play.
Before we went there you would ask, "Where are Toby and Nick?" We would explain that they lived in Heaven, so it was natural for a little boy like you to put two-and-two together and decide that the cemetery must be Heaven!
Now your view is Heaven!

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