Tuesday, 19 June 2012


I'm not sure that I can say anything about you was imperfect when you spent your whole life being a perfectionist! You hated making mistakes, everything had to look just right and you didn't suffer fools!
But, if you thought there was a chance that you might not live up to your own expectations, then you would sometimes become a little bit 'imperfect' on purpose! In my world it's called 'dumbing down' and its quite common amongst gifted and talented students who don't like to fail. This describes you to a tee!
But, let me list my favourite 'imperfections' about my 'perfect' son:
You had an 'imperfect' little mole just to one side of your nose.
You had an 'imperfect' little finger which was rendered permanently crooked when you broke it AND dislocated it in a football match at school.
You had an 'imperfect' knee which would pop out just when you needed it not to!
You had 'imperfect' eyesight and needed contact lenses to perfect your vision.
You had 'imperfect' habits such as leaving towels on the floor, having a messy room and laziness.
But, to me, you were perfect!!! xxx

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