Saturday 17 March 2012


I talk to you every day really Jake, even if it's just in my thoughts. But this time ten months ago I had had my last conversation with you just a few hours previously.
You talked to me for a long time that night after Dad and Sian had gone to bed. You told me how you were worried about your gambling and not sure how you would cope with payday the next day. But, you were confident that you would get through it and reassured me that you didn't need me to stay home from work to help you get through the day!
You talked about Amber and how great she was! You talked about confiding in just a few close mates but I'm still not sure how many of them actually knew what you were going through.
I'm proud of who you were, Jake...and especially proud that our children were able to talk to us at any time about their innermost feelings! Not every parent has that level of intimacy with their children, especially during those teenage years.
I'll keep 'talking' to you, Jake...this is just another way to do it! ♥

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